Horlbeck family in United States

About 1764 the two brothers Hans (John) Peter and Hans (John) Adam Horlbeck from Siebenhitz near Plauen went to America, settled in Charleston/SC and worked there as architects.


Later the children of John Adam Horlbeck were owners of Boone Hall Plantation (1817 - 1935). On the plantation worked up to 250 helpers.


The Horlbeck family made bricks and tiles on the plantation. Their work can be seen in the main house, in the nine original slave cabins and in the plantation's other brick buildings. It can also be seen in some of Charleston's oldest brick buildings.


Two Horlbeck brothers, John and Henry, established one of the first and largest commercial pecan groves here. Some of the trees planted by the Horlbecks still flourish on Boone Hall Plantation, producing pecans in commercial quantities.


Today we can find many descendants of both brothers Peter and Adam in South Carolina.





The 1880 census showed that the States of New Jersey, Illinois and of course South Carolina were predominantly the areas were Horlbecks lived.


Later on, around 1850 - a new wave of immigration started to hte U.S. which seemed to end about 1930.

In 1920 many bore the name of Horlbeck and lived in places such as New York,  Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin, Kansas, Colorado and California. 

Today, the Horlbecks make their home in pretty much all of the U.S.